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High Speed Data Acquisition, Mass Storage, Fast Playback | Expansion Units | FPGA Platforms and Servers

Ultra high-speed servers and data recorders with storage in high-density and fast-access mass storage units. Providing the resources and power needed for demanding I/O-intensive signal processing requirements. Essential in cyber security and network security applications.

Our range includes the EDT SNAP1 and related high speed data acquisition units and related servers and expansion units, and the BittWare TeraBox servers, plus specialized solutions from LDA Technologies, and other server vendors. These are ultra high-performance FPGA platforms ideal for network analysis and packet processing, plus high performance computing (HPC) applications. Our team can package an integrated system with boards, server hardware, and the system maintenance environment you need for your high-performance application.

Product Spectrum

DAQ, DSP, and DAC FPGA-based solutions in the real time signal data recorder class include Dynamic Signals GaGe, Kinetic Systems, and Signatec from Wuntronic.

Please use our Server Selector to find your preferred model.
